已有16人做题 难度1.0
90 分钟
  • 第一题 单选题(40分)
    • 1.

      Eating too much fat can______heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

    • 2.

      That______ lady is their English teacher.

    • 3.

      I don’t think it advisable that Tom______ to the job since he has no experience.

    • 4.

      He is______ of those boys who is willing to take on another assignment.

    • 5.

      I don’t think it will rain, but I’ll take an umbrella______ it does.

    • 6.

      All the tasks______ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.

    • 7.

      He didn’t allow______ in his room, actually he didn’t allow his family______ at all.

    • 8.

      Susan is______ to lift the heavy box.

    • 9.

      By the end of this term, we ______the textbook.

    • 10.

      This hall can______ 1000 people. You can______ where you like.

    • 11.

      I like English and I spent every minute I can______ English.

    • 12.

      ______of his name, we had a lot of trouble in finding the patient.

    • 13.

      No matter how hard I searched my bag, my new pen was______ .

    • 14.

      Rather than______ the bus, he ran all the way home.

    • 15.

      ______with the book I brought yesterday, the one______ from the library doesn’t seem interesting.

    • 16.

      If you can’t see the words written on the blackboard very well, maybe you need______ .

    • 17.

      She must be looking forward as much to ______from him as he himself is to ______from her.

    • 18.

      I sent invitations to 20 people,______ came.

    • 19.

      ______ of the land in that district______ covered with trees and grass.

    • 20.

      Free tickets will be given to______ phones us first.

  • 第二题 阅读理解(20分)